In this application I used it straight out of the jar and brushed onto Archway stamps, also purchased at Vendor night from Lost Coast Designs. I dropped a benjamin at thier incredible booth. All of the stamps used in this book are from Lost Coast Designs, unless otherwise specified.
Here is a color wash over the dried gesso stamping.
And another wash over gesso stamp.....
Ooh aah, yet another one......
So this went on for about a week. Here are a bunch of my favorite pages. In this next one, I have added a piece of Albie Smith's handmade paper into the mix.
Torn page with gesso/colorwash archway.
Stamped and colorwashed torn paper. Stamp by Stamper's Anonymous.
Gesso'd Italian Poetry stamp. Love the texture. Stamp by Hero Arts.
More of Albie's cool paper. You know I really love my sister if I'm willing to give up all this awesome paper.
Mona's eyes. Creepy, yet all knowing, just like all us girls. teehee. Stamp by River City.
Next pics are just cause I couldn't narrow down the choices about which one to post......

Botticelli stamp from Invoke Arts.

Here I am deciding the order of the pages.
Adding book cloth to binding.
Almost ready to add paper.
Deciding placement of signatures.
Using Japenese screw punch through each signature.
Sewing signatures to binding.
Waxed linen, size 22 needle. Or maybe a little bigger.
Finished binding.
Fat Honeymoon Book!! Colors of cover are Golden Heavy Body Acrylics; Iridescent Bronze and Cobalt Teal. The covers in the kit came white with the stencil design already in place. I can't take credit for that!! I'm guessing Albie used Golden Light Molding paste on the book board. Since time was a factor for me, I'm glad the covers were already stencilled. When isn't time a factor???
The colors of Italy. In my mind. sigh.