Aw, Shucks, Marianne, you shouldn't have, but I'm honored that you did:

Here are the details of this award copied from Marianne's Art Blog, my words in color:
I give this with no expectations that you’ll display the award or pass it on. Please don’t feel in any way obliged to do so. Just know that I love your blog and want to recommend it to anyone who might not have come across you before now!
If you do want to play along, here are the ‘rules’ – but just do what feels right:
1.Thank the person who gave you the award.
2.Pass this award along to (insert your # of choice here!! teehee, I'm choosing 5) bloggers you’ve recently discovered and whom you think are fantastic!
3.Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.
4.Share seven things about yourself.
Ok, #1 rule: Thank you Marianne!! I love your art and photography and your generosity of knowledge and caulk!
Now for rule #2: Here are 5 amazing blogs that I have recently discovered, ADORE, and just have been too busy (lazy, really) to add them to my blog roll.
Natural Dye Journal-I do not sew, repeat, I do not sew. Therefore I covet this artist's work. Her fabric journal covers are wonderful. Fido Art-ok, I'm cheating a little here. Fido Art is not new to me, I stalk Danny's flickr site quite regularly. However his blog is relatively new to me, so I get off on a technicality. so there. teehee. The Land Of Lost Luggage-Holy Hell Batman, just check this collage artist out. My friend Kathy, turned me on to this blog artist. We are going to sign up for one of her classes. Can't wait!!! Rule #3, I just sent out 5 very scarey stalker type emails letting the above bloggers know they have been forwarded an award from an unknown admirer. creepy, no? teehee
Rule #4, Share 7 things about yourself.
1. The Blues is My Religion
2. My daughter weighed less than the Perdue Oven Stuffer Roaster I cooked the day before she was born. (Roaster 6 1/2 pounds, Samantha 5 pounds)
3. I get sensory overload while shopping for everything except groceries. If there are too many choices I get anxious. I still shop, but a lot of times I go home and say "I should have gotten this, that, or the other, but I was too overwhelmed to focus and figure out what I really wanted
4. I never know where anything is in my house
5. I love Captain Morgans Spiced Rum
6. I love to watch Previews or Trailers before a movie, I NEVER fast forward thru them
7. I have no idea how to use most of the features on my iphone. I have the most underutilized iphone in the World
And there you have it. xoSusan