Thursday, February 10, 2011


Just for fun
I'm going to post 
Anti-Valentines from past years.
Cuz, well, I haven't had time to create.
My first Photoshop class was last night.
I am HOOKED. Gone. Done. In Love. 
We spent an hour learning "selections". 
Old, tired after a day at work, selections
are not so easy. 
Keyboard Commands!! Who Knew!!

Hope you like the previously posted Anti-V's!
I'll post more oldies but goodies friday.
I'm off to practice selections. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! These are FANTASTIC!!! They would go great with Jill Tracy's song "Evil Night Together"...check it out....
    I have not messed with photoshop because I know what will happen; I will do nothing else, and I like messing with paint far too much!
    Oh the choices...oh the agony!
    Oh crap---getting OLD! LOL!!!

