Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year and Bring on the DMARDS

Happy New Year! 
Sam and I spent Christmas day 
at my brother's house. 
Isn't it adorable??

 My brother is the Santa in overalls.
My nephew in red shirt, my dad is the guy in khakis, and my nephews in law on the right.
A great group of men! 
As you can tell Christmas is a 
HILARIOUS day full of one upping
in the humor and drinking department. 
My brother and his wife cook up amazing 
turkey in a loving atmosphere.

It is the best place to be for Christmas.

Here is Sam on Christmas at our house:
The first pic is the 
Are you going to take a pic 
EVERY time
I open something?  

Sam knows my humor!!

This may be next years card.
I didn't make any this year. 
You'll see why later.
And no.
It's not because 
I won the lottery
or met the man o my dreams... 
disclaimer: I actually did.
Meet the man of my dreams.

Sam has an obsession with Biggie Smalls.
It borders on me planning an intervention.
She also NEVER swears.
Which I find IRONIC.
One time when she was 3
I heard her say
She was in her room 
and was angry about something.
I heard her through the wall.
It was shocking.
Yet, hilarious.

 My facebook post explains it:

  I am GRATEFUL to The Universe that I have an amazing daughter who will be my legs, and an incredible podiatrist and rhuematologist who look after me.

its not all bad. 
Luckily I signed up for 
suzi blu's workshop
and printed all the pdfs.
So yea. 
I'm properly entertained.
Just not properly washed.
but that's another story
with a TMI ending.
Oh. And. This is big.
My beloved friend Teri
washed my hair for me.
and cut it all off.
I am not worrying about 
what is sexy anymore.
I'm too mature to be
hot rollering.
So that pic above of me and Sam
on Christmas is my
swan song to long locks.
I'm not posting a pic yet.
Not until I am more mobile,
washed, and moisturized.

 New Years Eve Elevation:
My sis came over with lasagna
and champagne.
My beloved godson
and his charming girl
joined us.
We watched Johnny Depp
and Angelina Jolie
Which a few minutes into, 
I realized I had seen the original
foreign film, "Anthony Zimmer". 
They are wonderful movies, both.
The Venice scenery and Jolie's wardrobe
are tre magnifi!!!

 So there you have it.
I wish all my 
inspirational, talented and generous
art friends
THe Happiest and Healthiest
of New Years.
Thanks for visiting.
Thanks for listening.
Thanks for commenting.
Thanks for sharing 
your amazing talent.


  1. Oh geez - you sure know how to start a new year!! Shorn locks and a cast - these are no small undertakings :-). Maybe the cast will bring on some enforced meditation........and deepen your love affair with the one true love in life - one's own heart.

    My new year started with a hugely successful collage class at my house - a fabulous time was had by all and unbelievably soulful art was made by 7 amazing men and women. I think it's our new New Years tradition. There was champagne involved also......

    Oh - and enjoy SuziBlue's class. I'm taking a Brave Woman body image online art course and going to Soul Collage Facilitator training.

    May 2012 hold LOTS of art for us both. And many wishes for health and healing and happiness and peace in your heart.

    Big Hugs - K
    p.s. Don't know why my Google Account makes me anonymous.....but it do.

  2. Well........I did all that for my RA,helped a bit but not what I hoped for. So at 66 I've learned what I can and can't do and yes I do get pissed at times. As always I have learned to rely on my cteative side to see me through,it always does.
    Stay positive,focus on what you love and enjoy life at your pace.
    Warm Hugs

  3. Your foot my be in a world of hurt, but your funny bone is alive and well!!! Thank God for the ability to laugh at misfortune and to count your blessings, Susan!!! Your new beau (Buddha) is having an effect on you, My Dear!!! Sending lots of love and healing, creative vibes your way to get you through!!! Hugs, Terri ♥ xoxo
