Sunday, October 28, 2007
ATC Backgrounds

Tejae Floyd's ATC
Finished Bird ATC
The photo is not as sharp as I'd like it to be. My apologies.
And Now for Something Completely Different
Ballerina Chosen and Collage Begun
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Run For Your Lives ATC

Dignity ATC

Inspired by Rohinton Mistry's book "A Fine Balance". The only word I changed from his actual quote was the pronoun, from he to she. Artchix image. I keep a notebook of quotes from books that have inspired me or "hit a nerve". I have tiny sticky notes littering my floor at all times. It is so frustrating not being able to highlight in library books! The written work is my biggest inspiration.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Ballerina One
Inkjet Gel Transfers
Neglected No More
Friday, October 19, 2007
Benign Neglect
Instant Aging
Coffee and Canvas
The Next Step
My next step in this canvas: a wash of Aquamarine Golden Glaze. A good start!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Mail Call Part 2
Here's whats inside that teal and chocolate box! A wire wrapped glass necklace, delicate yet tough, just like Tori. I wish every gift could so perfectly suit the recipient!
Mail Call
I received a beautifully packaged Christmas present for my BFF Grace's daughter today. This year I've started my shopping early! I actually saw this necklace on etsy in July and have been obsessing about getting it for Tori. An extra paycheck made it possible! yeehaw!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Broke out the new Golden Light Molding Paste
Having a wonderful day with my muse! My first attempt at molding paste. I usually use gesso to build depth. I like the consistancy of the paste. It's like a really expensive cold creme. Yum. First I built up the corner. I let it dry while working on the two ATC's below. I added another layer of paste thru the stencil and added dollops here and there to blend the raised corner into the rest of the canvas board. I'm thinking color now. Robins egg blue, or a tealish color.....
I'm thinking its not a good idea to clean tools that have molding paste on them in the sink. Holy clogged pipes Batman!
Hope everyone has a great Monday. Right, who am I kidding? I have a truckload of laundry to do now....
What I Have So Far
What I'm working on
Feeling Autumnal, I guess. Working on a few ATC's and a 4x4 canvas. Struggling a little with the composition of the 4x4, which I'm finding out is not my favorite size to work with! I have a great book by Mary Todd Beam titled "Celebrate Your Creative Self". I used her tissue paper technique on the canvas. I used a vintage sewing pattern, painted with Goldens and one of my new favorite colors -Interference Oxide Violet. OOOHAHHH. Painted the slide and stamped with script. Inside the slide is a piece of copper I burned and embossed with a heart shape. On the microscope slide ATC, I used copper foil tape to join the glass. The paper is a gorgeous Caspari napkin. The images in both ATC's are Artchix. Not sure where I'm going with these, but I'll post them when finished. Although today I feel like melting some UTEE in my new melting pot.....or painting with coffee, which I had completely forgot about until I picked up the new Somerset Workshop last night at Michael's. Along with some silk flowers and stencils to use with my Tulip spray fabric paints.
Thank you, Marian MCBRYDE, for posting a comment and many apologies for spelling your name wrong.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Fatbook moving Forward.....