PS let me see what you make with these!! that's an order!!
So the next 2 are for the swap, for which I need to make a total of 5. Now, I don't want offend other swappers by my use of nudity. So I'm swapping 2 of these and making 3 other cards, without nudity. I will post those when I finish them. I'm hoping the hostess will be able to distribute the cards without offending anyone. Here they are:
These 2 I will trade on Flickr:
Here is a closeup of with sparkles and without. HINT: Use an exacto knife to lift these tiny stickers or you will go STARK RAVING MAD. I added them to the background and to her jewelry. Again, the words are all from that awesome book, rearranged a little here and there.
I will give details about the other artist and post the Recreated ATC after the trade. xoSusan
I got so excited! I thought it would be the perfect place to store my original ATC's. For around 22 bucks it was mine. Well, since the steroids are giving me monster stomach pain, severe headache and enough anger to settle (or start) some war some where, I took a personal day today. So I slide all those card holders out. Saved the Baseball cards to make into Atc's, of course. The first ATC I tried to put into the holder cracked it. It wasn't like I was hyper, extremely impatient or getting angry or anything. yeah anyway.......BTW the steroids are affecting everything but the actual foot pain....weird isn't it.....BTW2 no beard or penis yet......
Here is a pic of my cards that will fit into the holders. It sucks because I can't group the themes together and that happens to be making me crazy.
So the moral of the story is This Baseball Card Holder is wonderful for ATC's if they are thin, and not embellished with anything thicker than a dragonfly wing. Wow, that was a nice visual, wasn't it? The secondary moral is Steroids Suck.
Why is he standing in the shower you ask? Well, I'm suffering from a flare of my RA which is centered around my right foot, right now. Next month it will be somewhere else. I have Capsulitis/Bursitis of the second metatarsal. The ball of my foot and second toe hurt like hell, that's really all you need to know. So I am taking my first ever round of steroids. Dr. Ana swore I would not grow a beard or....... a penis. The penis would be ok, but the beard is NOT AN OPTION. Anyhoo, we have to get the swelling down in order for the pain to go away. My sexy shoe days are over. I'm sporting New Balance every day of the week. So, back to the shower scene. I had to get a Shower Chair. Yeah, you heard me. I have this long hair I am super vain about and it requires lots of conditioning and tender loving adoration. This takes a long time. I can't stand up in the shower that long. The floor just kills my foot. So Dad is installing a hand held shower head. Just shoot me. OVERSHARE!!!!! xoSusan
Anyhoo, back to the all important topic: HAIR. Sat am Sam and I drove to the salon minutes away. Guess what I discovered on the way. My Favorite Antique Store is Gone. The building is empty and forlorn looking. I felt like I got kicked in the gut. I spent a lot of hours there, sitting on the floor, looking through old books and photos. I spent the occasional $50 there, but never more than that. I guess no one else did either. I will miss them. A LOT.
Anyhoo, for the second time, back to HAIR: So we arrive at the salon. I begin to be highlighted. Sam is so nervous about cutting off all her hair, she said "I feel like I am going to projectile vomit all over the stylist." I kid you not. This is my Honors English girl.
Here are her Before shots:
Drum Roll please.....The Afters:
I think she is channeling Audrey Hepburn! We love it!!
Oh and mine looks good, too. Shorter but healthier and now the top matches the bottom!
I wanted to capture that shimmery musical sound they make while flying with paper, paint and glue! No easy task! I decided to do a gel medium transfer from a transparency. First I flipped my scan of the music score "A Night In Spring" my friend Diane sent me. Printed it out on an Apollo transparency. Layed a "buttered toast" layer of Golden's soft gloss gel medium on the receiving area of the card and on the transparency. After A LOT of trial and error I concluded that the amount of gel to create a good transfer is the amount of butter a girl NOT watching her weight would put on her toast. Not thick, but not sparse either. Anyhoo here is a pic:
There is still some ink left on the transparency. I decided the cards need something more. What does a spring night need? Why stars, of course. Raided my stash and found some white and silver star brads. Dyed them with alcohol ink:
Stars need sparkle, of course, so out came the Stickles:
Good pic of the transfer, too. So the swap is 4/4 and I made 6 just in case. Here are the best 4 that will go to the swap:
Here are the 2 that are left. I'm keeping the one with the torn paper for myself and trading the other on Flickr.
You may have noticed that these backgrounds are the same as my "Hope for Insight" and "No Second Spring" ATC's. I love making backgrounds. Besides twisted brokn hearted repartee, creating backgrounds is my favorite part of the ATC process. I took a large piece of watercolor paper, gesso'd it, added layers of acrylics, tissues, sprays, cheesecloth and gel medium. I sometimes spend a whole day making backgrounds in all different colors. Then when I get an idea for a witty ATC, I am ready! Now I think I'll make little envelopes for them before sending them to the hostess. Or not, as time allows! Next is the Arabian Nights swap.....stay tuned.....
I scanned the music, flipped it and printed it on a transparency. I am going to try and do a gel medium transfer from the trans to the ATC. The card is very textured so it's good that I want a distressed look. The surface is too bumpy for a perfect transfer. I will post a pic of that step soon. So here is what happens when you have 3 days off from work and spend the majority of that time in your studio aka spare room aka where the kitty litter is kept.......
Thats right, Madness and Mayhem abounds........
Acrylics, foam stamp, vintage image, transparency image transfer, sharpied photo corners, gel pens, chalk pencils.
The second is "Principal Architect":
Vintage image, transparency image transfer, metal corners, scrap paper, gel pen, chalk pencils.
Hope you like. If you need me, I'll be in the studio.
Here is "Hope For Insight":
The backgrounds are watercolor paper, acrylics, tulip fabric spray, cheesecloth, tissue, heart brads, charcoal pencils, portfolio oil crayons, along with the weird Elmer's gluey photos. Like I said a happy accident.
Oh, and the moral of the story? Don't go cheap on gel medium. Stick with Golden's and nothing will get slimey.
I'm interested in trading for anything paper, ephemera of any kind, and small rusty bits to use for collage on canvas and ATC's.
It stops B.O. !!! What more could a girl want?? Sherry also include an adorable original ATC, ATC backgrounds (one of which I am working with now), rusty bits, lots of paper ephemera, an S diecut, along with piece of paper with a Philadelphia map.
Now how classy is that, being that my name begins with S and I am a hop skip and a jump from Philadelphia. Sherry took the time to personalize and beautifully package this trade, and for that I am grateful and humbled. My camera does not do it justice. Also included were two of Sherry's PUBLISHED articles teaching the accompanying artwork. Be impressed, be very impressed.